By Curtis Hierro
On March 25th, the UCF Student Labor Action Project participated in a Fight Back Florida Day of Action in Orlando, FL. Fight Back Florida is a coalition representing working class interests from across the state of Florida, which includes student groups and organized labor. The rally was a part of numerous actions held across the state, with this event occurring at the office of Republican State Rep. Dean Cannon, who also serves as the speaker of the House. The participants of the action were protesting the onslaught of anti-union, anti-teacher and anti-student legislation emanating from Tallahassee.
Just one day prior, Gov. Rick Scott signed into law a bill that set up a merit-pay system for teachers in the state; in which student test scores determines teacher pay. Additionally, under the law teachers with graduate degrees will no longer receive higher compensation for their qualifications. This came, just as the Florida house approved a law that would require state employee approval before union dues could be deducted from their checks.
These measures represent an across the board attack on Florida’s working class. Governor Rick Scott and the state GOP have fully embraced the “class warfare” ideology that was prevalent in Gov. Scott Walker’s attack on unions in Wisconsin. These politicians claim to represent fiscal responsibility. However, their political records speak to their true ideology of corporate welfare. Instead of balancing budgets, these politicians seek to shift the burden of social costs, from those with the most to those with the least. At the same time they seek to cut programs providing socio-economic mobility for millions, they cut corporate taxes and provide tax loopholes for millionaires.
As a part of the demonstration a delegation of students, teachers, workers and minorities stormed Dean Cannon’s office. One representative from each group wore a picture frame, illustrating that they would be “framed” for Florida’s budget shortfall. The contingent addressed Cannon’s secretary as his media representative happened to be absent. SLAP member Curtis Hierro spoke on behalf of the students; assailing the proposed 3 billion in budget cuts to the state education system at the same time Gov. Scott cuts taxes on the wealthiest corporations in the state. Local media were on hand to capture the action with UCF SLAP president Margaret Bastar addressing the assembled reporters. Following the siege of State Rep. Cannon’s office, the participants marched to a busy intersection to protest, garnering much support from the passersby’s.
While the debate continues over the state budget, events such as these serve as an important mobilizing force for the working class. Regardless, of whether Cannon or Rick Scott heeded the protestor’s message, the media exposure and opportunity to reach out to the local community were integral for the long-term goal of building a grassroots movement that can challenge the political power of moneyed interests extirpating our democracy. UCF SLAP, standing in solidarity with both students and labor, is on the forefront of that struggle.