Student workers fight back at UMass!

Last week, you heard about 73 undergraduate student workers being fired without cause or transparency. There was no student input or say in the matter.

Today the fight continues, and students need your support – will you sign this petition?

I passed along a message from UMass SLAP member Ben Bull after students had received word that these workers would be losing their job at the end of the academic school year. Students, faculty, staff and members of the community have come out in force to support these workers and denounce the lack of transparency by Residence Life Director Eddie Hull but we need your support too.

“The ResEd department at UMass made the decision to eliminate student jobs that provide academic and social support to students, without involving students in the reorganization process. The elimination of these jobs leaves students deprived financially and academically.” – UMass Peer Mentors

All you have to do is sign this petition and show your solidarity. Together, we can get these jobs back.

Our actions matter more than ever as UMass administration calls for a “transformation” of culture that is just a transaction of student money. This fight isn’t about Eddie Hull, this is about larger changes in all of our universities and how it involves, or in this case doesn’t, students in the decision-making process.

UMass, University of California, University of Oregon and so many other universities and colleges are fighting this fight today. This is your chance to stand with students across the country and set the tone of student power.

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