Watch Now! Students mic-check Sallie Mae & ALEC

After Sallie Mae joined ALEC, they got invited to come out to Washington, D.C. to give a presentation to other members… Called “Best Practices for Debt Collection and Tax Amnesty“… Even we couldn’t believe it.
Black Friday: It’s Coming

By Amanda Martinez and Erica Ayón, both of UC Santa Cruz Student Labor Action Project November 17th, 2012, UC Santa Cruz SLAP chanted in protest of mistreated Walmart Associates in the checkout lanes of the Walmart store on Story Road located in San Jose. “We call on Walmart to change!”
UCF President receives raise, students receive tuition hike

By Paul Thurston, of University of Central Florida SLAP It was 8:30AM on an uncharacteristically cool morning, and everyone was wearing white t-shirts with the words “STUDENTS IN DEBT” stenciled on them as we marched towards the Board of Trustees
Banana Slugs tell Administration to Hurry Up

By Erica Ayón, of UC, Santa Cruz Student Labor Action Project On the morning of November 9th, the University of California, Santa Cruz SLAP students lined the hallway where the University of California administration would soon walk past to begin the 17th session of contract negotiations with AFCSME campus workers.
Rutgers students want Sallie Mae off campus

By John Connelly, Rutgers University Student Assembly President On October 17th, students at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, NJ gathered to speak out about the crisis posed by educational debt. 50 students gathered at Brower Commons, one of Rutgers University’s “free speech” zones, to speak out about the impact debt has had on our personal […]
RAs not paid minimum wage; demand fair contract now

This post originally appeared in The Daily Collegian, and can be found here. Editor’s note: The writers are Resident Assistants. To the Editor: Resident Assistants (RAs) are important to the success of our on-campus students
From Across Generations: Care Stories from Student Part Four

As part of the Caring Across Generations campaign, the Student Labor Action Project is proud to present a series of care stories from students. These stories not only show the true human impact of homecare in the country, but also that it is an issue that is not relegated to the elderly or adults.
OUR Walmart: Making history

Written by David Duhalde, of Brandeis Labor Coalition UPDATE: Since this was posted, Walmart associates in Dallas, Texas, Miami, Florida, and Laurel, Maryland have also walked off the job! 10:55AM EST, 10/9/12. On September 13, 2012, over thirty students, former Wal-Mart workers, Eastern Massachusetts Jobs with Justice activists, and members of the community came together. […]
From Across Generations: Care Stories from Student Part Three

As part of the Caring Across Generations campaign, the Student Labor Action Project is proud to present a series of care stories from students. These stories not only show the true human impact of homecare in the country, but also that it is an issue that is not relegated to the elderly or adults. Submit […]
SLAP students stand with Chicago Teachers Union

Note: This is a message from the SLAP Leadership Committee, issued as CTU Local 1 returns to the bargaining table with Chicago Public Schools For months now, Chicago teachers have been sitting at the bargaining table waiting to be taken seriously.