Students and Workers Tell Walmart: Stop profiting from forced labor in Louisiana!

By Ben Bull, a SLAP student at UMass – Amherst In the dark hours of the night, when most of us college students are just going to bed, a guest workers from Mexico are waking up to endure another day of exploitation at C.J.’s Seafood in Louisiana.
This is not just a campaign, this is a movement

By Samuel Nelson, National Student Labor Action Project Intern on Caring Across Generations “This is not just a campaign, this is a movement.” That sentiment was reiterated throughout the Boston Care Congress this past weekend.
It’s Not About Hope…

By Alexa Nelen, a student from University of Central Florida When it gets down to it, in order to speak for the people you must first speak to the people. We are witnessing an epidemic of offices being won not by the people’s vote but by the official’s ability to fundraise. When money outweighs community, […]
Students to Sallie Mae: No More Debt-for-Diplomas!

This is a collection of stories and reflections from students and recent graduates who attended the Sallie Mae shareholder meeting on May 24th in Newark, Delaware.
Debt for Diplomas: The Sallie Mae Model

By Curtis Hierro, a SLAP member from University of Central Florida As the economy continues to wallow in the aftershocks of the 2008 recession and subprime mortgage crisis a larger threat looms in the distance. This danger threatens to not just derail the country’s economic prosperity but also impede an entire generation from pursuing the […]
Moving Beyond Debt for Diplomas

By Isaiah Toney, a SLAP member from the George Washington University When I finish classes in August of 2012, I will have something like $78,000 in student debt. That’s about three times the national average, which is just over $25,000 in student debt upon graduation.
It’s time to end student debt!

As graduation approaches for many college students this spring, the outlook for post-graduation will be dire. Instead of, “What do you plan to do next?” the questions are: “How much student debt are you graduating with?” or “Do you think you’ll be able to find a job?” The situation has grown grim for recent graduates. […]
Bank VS America

An on-the-ground report from the Bank of America shareholder meeting by Chris Hicks, Student Labor Action Project Coordinator May 9, 2012 | Charlotte, NC The buses began to roll in as early as 5am, hundreds pouring in from around the region to confront Bank of America. After years of foreclosing on hard working families, financing […]
Don’t Double My Rate!

Two weeks ago, student debt surpassed one trillion dollars nationally. In 2012 students will be graduating with an average of $25,000 in student loan debt. Today the Senate is voting on the “Stop the Student Loan Interest Rate Hike Act” (S. 2343), which would prevent the interest rate on subsidized Stafford loans from doubling to […]