We’re Breaking Up

By Chris Hicks, National SLAP Coordinator This Valentine’s Day students are celebrating the holiday a bit different – we’re breaking up with someone that we’ve been in a relationship for way too long. We don’t want to be cliché about this, because look, we both deserve better. It’s you – not us.
Come out, come out wherever you are!

By Chris Hicks, National Student Labor Action Project Coordinator On Friday February 3rd, ten representatives of Student Labor Action Project and United States Student Association went to Sallie Mae’s office to give them a letter that had three simple demands
Bright Futures or student debt?

By Ida Vishkaee Eskamani – College Democrats at University of Central Florida In 1997, Florida’s legislature created a scholarship program called Bright Futures. It was a program that allowed high school seniors with high academic merit to earn a scholarship for any public university in the state of Florida.

By Isaiah Toney – DC SLAP Coordinator I am one of those lucky people who got to grow up in a household with two parents both with college degrees. Even luckier, I grew up with the expectation that I would go to college and live the life of a college graduate.
UCF Students rise up against attacks on education!

Written by Jazmine Salas of UCF SLAP We were upset when the Florida State Legislature cut funding to public universities. We were angry when the legislature slashed funding to financial aid, including Florida’s Bright Futures Scholarship.
Student workers fight back at UMass!

Last week, you heard about 73 undergraduate student workers being fired without cause or transparency. There was no student input or say in the matter. Today the fight continues, and students need your support – will you sign this petition? I passed along a message from UMass SLAP member Ben Bull after students had received […]
Take Action! Save students jobs!

By Ben Bull, UMass SLAP On November 30th, students at the University of Massachusetts Amherst were notified all Peer Mentor and Apartment Living Advisor (ALA) positions were to be eliminated at the end of the 2011-2012 school year. These cuts impact roughly 70 undergraduate employees and dozens of graduate employees who rely on these jobs […]
99>1: Occupy UC-Santa Cruz

By Maria Jennings, UCSC SLAP. The movement to occupy education has swept through the state like wildfire, and the students at University of California, Santa Cruz took it on with great enthusiasm. On November 9th, the statewide day of action, the banana slugs joined together in Quarry Plaza to demand fair, affordable, and accessible education. […]
Central Florida Occupies and Fights Back!

This is a collection of SLAPatista’s stories and thoughts on the #OccupyWallStreet movement and fight back in Central Florida. SLAP @ Occupy Orlando By Shannon McEnteer, UCF SLAPatista In the week leading up to the global Occupy protests on Saturday, October 15th, students with the Student Labor Action Project at the University of Central Florida […]
Occupy Education: Trick or treat?

By Matt Bruenig, a student at Boston University. The Occupy Movement has exploded in Boston, and area students are out in front. Students in the nation’s largest college city quickly put together an apparatus of organizers from 23 local colleges and universities to work alongside the 99% in its fight against skyrocketing inequality and financial […]