Sample SGA resolution

Bank Transfer and Community Investment

Whereas, [College Student Government] represents the students of the [college] and has an interest in building a sustainable and just future; and

Whereas, [Bank] is one of the largest profiteer off of student loans; and

Whereas, [College Student Government] supports affordable housing and small business; and

Whereas, the [Student Government] finds that many major banks, including [bank currently used by student government] has been involved in predatory lending practices is the holder and/or servicer of mortgages that have been foreclosed or are currently at risk for foreclosure; and that [bank] has demonstrated a lack of willingness to engage in good-faith efforts to negotiate sustainable permanent mortgage modifications; and

Whereas, the [Student government] has deposited [student government] funds into [bank] banking accounts, and / or has used [bank] as a contractor for a range of financial services and transactions

Whereas, the [Student government] does not wish to support nor do business with any company that substantially engages in predatory practices and does not support building the local economy in [city of college]

Now Therefore Be It Resolved that the [person/group who administers money] is directed to divest all [student government] funds from [bank] in a timely fashion; and

Let It Be Further Resolved that the [person/group who administers money] select financial institutions based on their practices in the local community, preferring, if possible certified Community Development Financial Institutions, labor banks and/or otherwise certified federally insured financial institutions, and if necessary, other community banks; and

Let It Be Further Resolved that as the selection of financial institutions are reviewed as written in the policies of [student government] the criteria outlined herein be taken into account.

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